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YAMAHA APX700II Acoustic Electric

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YAMAHA APX700 Acoustic Listrik
Seri APX menempatkan penekanan pada pemutaran dengan profil tipis gaya yang pas tubuh musisi '.
Adapun kosmetik, APX700 fitur suara abalone lubang cincin yang indah inlay, gading fingerboard dan kepala mengikat, gading / benda hitam yang mengikat, inlay maple bawah, ibu-of-mutiara APX & logo headstock Yamaha dan ibu-of-mutiara penanda posisi. Model ini hadir dalam lima variasi warna yang menakjubkan.
The APX700 fitur baru dikembangkan A.R.T. (Transducer Resonansi Acoustic) 1-cara sistem preamplifier. Dapatkan sendok. Saksikan video yang Transducer Resonansi Acoustic pada Hub.
Sistem preamplifier baru yang inovatif menggunakan dua pickup kontak menakjubkan yang secara dramatis mengurangi umpan balik sementara mencapai kaya, APX seri penekanan yang indah dan alami tones.The tempat di pemutaran dengan profil tipis-garis gaya dan leher ramping yang menjamin pengalaman kinerja yang sempurna.

A.R.T. Pickup Sistem
ART (Transducer Resonansi Acoustic) teknologi - kontak struktur jemput Baru dikembangkan multilayer Unik mencapai keseimbangan dinamis yang optimal. Yamaha akustik-gitar listrik secara konsisten menggunakan pickup piezoelektrik untuk mereproduksi suara murni dari gitar akustik. Tapi pickup piezoelektrik cenderung bereaksi berlebihan terhadap perubahan dalam serangan, yang pada gilirannya menyebabkan distorsi. Untuk mencapai pemutaran yang ideal, kami harus memperbaiki cara bahwa dinamika dikendalikan. Untuk memberikan solusi untuk masalah ini, pickup baru ini dirancang dengan struktur multilayer yang terdiri dari enam lapisan bahan yang berbeda. Hal ini meredam getaran yang berlebihan dari topboard sambil mengambil resonansi kecil untuk mencapai sensitivitas yang ideal dan keseimbangan dinamis luar biasa. Juga, karena pickup dipasang langsung di bawah topboard, ia berfungsi sebagai transduser yang melekat pada tubuh. - 3-way konfigurasi Selain dua pickup utama dipasang di bawah sadel, sistem ini memiliki masing-masing di sisi bass dan treble untuk menangkap getaran dari seluruh panjang dari string dan tubuh, serta bass suara dan komponen treble . Pickup yang ditata sedemikian rupa untuk mencapai reproduksi jelas bahkan selama-posisi bermain solo.

Harga YAMAHA APX700II Acoustic Electric : Rp 7.950.000

YAMAHA APX700 Acoustic Electric
The APX series places emphasis on playability with a stylish thin profile that fits the musicians’ body.
As for cosmetics, the APX700 features a beautiful abalone sound hole ring inlay, ivory fingerboard and head binding, ivory/black body binding, maple bottom inlay, mother-of-pearl APX & Yamaha headstock logos and mother-of-pearl position markers. This model comes in five amazing color variations.
The APX700 features the newly developed A.R.T. (Acoustic Resonance Transducer) 1-way preamplifier system. Get the scoop. Watch the Acoustic Resonance Transducer video on The Hub.
This innovative new preamplifier system utilizes two amazing contact pickups that dramatically reduce feedback while achieving rich, beautiful and natural tones.The APX series places emphasis on playability with a stylish thin-line profile and slim neck which ensure the performance experience is perfect.

A.R.T. Pickup System
A.R.T.(Acoustic Resonance Transducer) technology - Newly developed contact pickup Unique multilayer structure achieves optimum dynamic balance. Yamaha acoustic-electric guitars have consistently used piezoelectric pickups to reproduce the pure sounds of the acoustic guitar. But piezoelectric pickups tended to overreact to changes in attack, which in turn caused distortion. To achieve ideal playability, we had to improve the way that these dynamics were controlled. To provide a solution to this issue, the new pickup was designed with a multilayer structure consisting of six layers of different materials. This dampens excessive vibration from the topboard while picking up small resonances to achieve ideal sensitivity and outstanding dynamic balance. Also, because the pickup is fitted directly beneath the topboard, it functions as a transducer attached to the body. - 3-way configuration In addition to two main pickups mounted under the saddle, this system has one each on the bass and treble sides to capture the vibrations of the entire length of the strings and body, as well as the sound's bass and treble components. The pickups are laid out in such a way as to achieve clear reproduction even during high-position soloing.

A.R.T. Preamp Systems (System56) for APX700
1-way configuration This configuration features one main pickup system consisting of two pickups underneath the saddle. The 3-band equalizer gives the ability to control the mid-range for versatile sound creation that meets the musician's needs. The system is also equipped with an on-board tuner for optimum usability.
Solid Spruce
Body Depth
80-90 mm (3 1/8"-3 9/16")
Nut Width
43 mm (1 11/16")
String Length
650 mm (25 9/16")
Diecast Gold (TM-29)
System56 1way A.R.T.

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